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About Jadi Buti Cell

A Jadi-Buti Cell is set up in Project Management Unit (PMU) under JICA funded Project for ‘Improvement of Himachal Pradesh Forest Ecosystems Management & Livelihoods’ (PIHPFEM&L) with the approval of Governing Body (GB) to co-ordinate activities on Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) including Medicinal and Aromatic plants.

Jadi Buti

Aim of Jadi-Buti cell: Sustainable NTFP based Income Generation Activity (IGA) to increase House Hold (HH) income, provide easy market access and conservation of wild stock of NTFPs.

The Cell is manned by: 1 Director, 1 Manager (Enterprise Development), 1 Manager (Marketing) and 1 MIS Associate.

Jadi Buti

Society for Improvement of Himachal Pradesh Forest Ecosystems Management & Livelihoods